The Story of New Creation from The Messenger Cards

This is the story behind The Messenger cards the animal spirit oracle cards I created and in particular this painting (#1. New Creation) which became the first card of the deck. I created The Messenger Cards in 2012 and I am the artist, the writer, and 100% creator of the deck.
This butterfly animal spirit is the first painting that I created back in 2005. It was the start of my amazing journey in creating this deck. I had no idea I was creating a deck and I wouldn't know until eight years later when I had an incredible inventory of animal spirit paintings that I had created which I had either created for art galler shows or as custom animal spirit paintings or commissioned paintings. Then the light went on and I realized that my long time dream of creating a deck was already happening and 80% of the work was complete! I know that if I had tried to plan this from the beginning it might not have happened and this deck would not exist. I calculated that the total number of hours it took me to create this deck and the book of messages was about 2000 hours! I'm grateful that this process happened in a way that was easy, natural and not overwhelming. It is a wonderful lesson for me in the creation process in general: it will happen, just maybe not in the way I thought it would. Thanks for reading, here is the oracle message:
# 1. New Creation from The Messenger Cards Something new is birthing in your life and is waiting to break from the cocoon of gestation. This change is in your highest good and allowing the change to happen instead of resisting it will bring a smooth transition. The message from the butterfly suspended and blackness represents creation and the black background is the void of all possibility which xists to create what is new and in alignment with our higher selves. When we practice gently allowing what is currently happening to us unfold without judgment and give ourselves permission to fully experience what we are feeling without getting pulled into our old thought patterns we can start creating something new. This also allows us to experience life without reacting to every situation that is occurring around us and to live from the core of our true selves in peace.
Much Love to you, Sandra Kunz