Art Materials for Online Intuitive Art Workshop

A) Paint tray. You can also just use a couple plastic lids from a yogurt container or a dinner plate for this exercise as we are only using black and white colours.
B) White Acrylic Paint. You can use liquid or heavy bodied paint. If you don't know what that means then don't worry about it and get whichever white acrylic paint speaks to you. You will notice that there is a range of products and prices because of the quality of the paint. It is ok to choose cheaper/student quality paint for this process.
C) Spray Bottle For Water. You can purchase a new one or use an old cleaned out bottle that was used for cleaner. Just make sure that the water comes out in a spray/mist and not in a stream. I purchased a small one from the art store that has a good spray that was very inexpensive.
D) Black India Ink or Black Watercolour Ink. A small bottle is fine as a little goes a long way.
E) Black Permanent Marker. Extra Fine Tip. A sharpie is fine.
F) Brushes. At least one larger brush and a brush for finer work. If you just get one brush get a round brush that comes to a fine point. If you feel like it get any other brushes that appeal to you. Cheaper brushes are fine.
G) Black and white Charcoal Pencil and sharpener. I suggest the pencils and not the sticks for sharpening purposes. Black charcoal should be extra soft.
H) Watercolour Paper. Minimum 9" x 12" watercolour block, watercolour pad, or a large sheet that you cut into approximately 9" x 12" pieces.
A block is glued on all four edges and you peal the paper off a sheet at a time when you are finished your painting. A watercolour pad is glued on one side and you need to tape your watercolour paper down to a solid surface when you are painting on it so the paper won't buckle when you apply water to it, which is what I do. You also need to tape down individual sheets if you are cutting a large sheet. I tape my paper down with masking tape to a masonite board that I get at my art store for less than $2 CAD.
All watercolour paper comes in a weight. The higher the weight the thicker the paper and the more water it can hold. It doesn't really matter what weight you get for this class. I am using 140 lb at the moment.
Watercolour paper comes in different textures (smooth, rough ect.) stick with the smoother ones for this process.
I) Masking tape. To tape down watercolour paper if you are using a pad or large cut down sheet.
J) Board. Tape your watercolour paper to this board if you are using a pad or cutting down a large sheet. I use an 11" x 14" masonite board from the art store. You can use any surface as long as it is slightly larger than your sheet of watercolour paper and tape will stick to it. Even a piece of cardboard will work. The photo shows what it looks like when a piece of watercolour paper is properly taped to a board. My apologies, the board is difficult to see as it's almost the same colour as the brown art paper underneath it.
Other optional materials:
These are optional and depend on budget and whether these materials look interesting to you.
1) 1 - 3 acrylic colours that you love. This can be either full bodied (thicker) acrylics or fluid acrylics. This can include metallic colours. A small tube or container will do.
2) White Acrylic pen (extra fine)
Other stuff you will need:
-Water Cup
-Paper towel, toilet paper, or paper napkins
-Large towel, plastic table cloth, or heavy paper to put down on your table
-Something to wear that you don't mind getting paint off of. Acrylic doesn't wash out of clothing.
Optional: You may want a hair dryer or space heater to speed up the drying process.